- Dynasty Basketball: A crowdsourced fantasy basketball platform (MERN stack). Live app with 2,500+ users: https://chooseyourhooper.com/
- Crypto Guardian: A web app that gives users a safety score for cryptocurrencies and visualizes real-time predictive ML models.
- Minitorch: A PyTorch-esque deep learning library that I built from the ground-up.
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis: A tool that determines the positivity/negativity of a tweet or an input paragraph.
- AI Image Captioner: An AI that trained itself on the Flicker8k dataset and can now accurately caption input images.
- Rocketry: Source code for Notre Dame Rocketry's Apogee Control System (written w/ two others)
- Morse Code Translator: An Arduino-based Morse code translator (buttons => LCD).
- Image Manipulation Scripts: Python scripts for image processing (Canny edge detection, Gaussian blur, etc).
- CS50AI: My projects for Harvard's CS50AI course (traffic sign classifier, masked word predictor, Minesweeper AI, etc).
- CS50x: My projects for Harvard's CS50x course (Flask-based Finance website, C-based data structures and algorithms, Trivia website, etc).
University of Notre Dame
B.S. in Computer Engineering
2023-Present (Expected 2027)